
Dear Foundation Parents and Guardians,

Foundation students have made a fantastic start to their schooling. They have settled well into their classes and are developing confidence and independence in their routines. They have formed wonderful friendships and are showing increasing awareness of care and respect for each other in our ‘classroom family’. Well done to each and every one of you!!

During term one, students have been busy learning letter-sounds and concepts about print. They are steadily learning to sound-out and blend letters to write words and are practising their M100W regularly to support their learning. Well done! We have been visiting our school library on a weekly basis and are enjoying reading and borrowing picture story books. Students have been developing a habit of reading books assigned on Reading Eggs and are completing weekly Mathletics tasks, as part of homework practice. Thank you to parents for your ongoing support with these important activities.

Furthermore, we have learnt about our family, the activities we enjoy together, and celebrations shared across our different cultures in our integrated studies unit.

Towards the end of term we celebrated Harmony Day to reinforce the important message of inclusion and respect among communities and participated in an activity of constructing a class Harmony Chain, where each child had the opportunity to design a link that joined onto the class chain.

Foundation and year 6 students have begun the Better Buddies Program. They have enjoyed their buddy meet and greet, designing a friendship poster and chalk art. Our Better Buddies picnic was a great success, where students enjoyed their picnic snacks with their buddies and favourite soft toys.

During health & PMP lessons, students have been learning about the concepts of healthy mind and healthy body, balance and co-ordination. Students have practiced relaxation exercises and have engaged in movement routines to enhance co-ordination skills. Students have also learnt about the importance of hygiene, rest and eating healthy for their own health and well-being. We encourage parents to reinforce these important practices at home.

We wish everyone a safe and relaxing break and look forward to an eventful term two.

Yours in Education,|
Mrs Atasay and Mrs Kilic